Reading Tips & Internet Links
On this page I may present you a selection of books and internet links that have helped me to better understand the Divina commedia and Dante. It is oriented to the topics of this website and brings one or the other additional suggestion. The entries are provided with a short evaluation, so that you can better estimate what to expect. Of course, the list does not claim to be exhaustive. It invites you to go on a voyage of discovery and to penetrate more deeply into the world of the Divina Commedia and its author, even while reading alternately between the work and secondary literature.
1. The Life of Dante
Barbero, Alessando (2020). Dante. Bari: Giuseppe Laterza & Figli Spa.
Inglese, Giorgio (2015). Vita di Dante. Una biografia possibile. Con un saggio di Giuliano Milani. Roma: Carocci editore S.p.A. (Saggi).
Pellegrini, Paolo (2021). Dante. Una vita. Piccola Biblioteca Einaudi. Torino: Giulio Einaudi editore s.p.a.
Santagata, Marco (2012). Dante. Il romanzo della sua vita. Milano: Mondadori.
2. Monographs:
Bellomo, Saverio (2012). Filologia e critica dantesca. Nuova edizione riveduta e ampliata. Brescia: Editrice La Scuola.
Took, John (2020). Dante. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
3. Divina Commedia
A. Critical work editions
Inglese, Giorgio (2016). Dante Alighieri. Commedia. Revisione del testo e commento di Giorgio Inglese. Nuova Edizione. Roma: Carocci editore.
Lanza, Antonio (1996): Dante Alighieri. La Commedìa. Testo critico secondo i più antichi manoscritti fiorentini. Nuova edizione a cura di Antonio Lanza. Anzio: De Rubeis editore Srl.
Petrocchi, Giorgio (2003). Dante Alighieri, La Commedia secondo l’antica volgata a cura di Giorgio Petrocchi. Firenze: Casa Editrice Le Lettere. Terza ristampa. (Prima Edizione, Milano: Mondadori, 1966/67).
Sanguineti, Federico (2001). Dantis Alagherii Comedia. Edizione critica per cura di Federico Sanguineti. Firenze: SISMEL – Edizioni del Galluzzo e Fondazione Ezio Franceschini. Fondo Gianfranco Contini. Archivio Romanzo. Collana a cura di Lino Leonardi.
B. Modern editions (e-books):
Well known distributors like or provide a variety of digital editions of the Divina Commedia. Three of them have recommended themselves in my work. From the third volume I was able to take the titles as well as the temporal and local references of the individual Canti.
Bosco, Umberto & Reggio, Giovanni (2013). Dante Alighieri. Divina Commedia. Edizione Integrale a cura di Lorenzo Argentieri. Milano: Mondadori Education S.p.A. (Le Monnier Scuola).
Donnarumma, Raffaele & Savettieri, Christina (2010). Dante Alighieri. Commedia integralmente annotata e commentata. Palermo: G. B. Palumbo & C. Editore S.p.A.
Jacomuzzi, S., Dughera, A., Ioli, G., Jacomuzzi V. (2017). La Divina Commedia. Nuova Edizione Integrale con audiolibro. Torino: Società Editrice Internazionale.
C. Comments
The mass of commentaries on the Divina Commedia, accumulated over seven centuries, is almost impossible to keep track of, even for the expert. While many of the classical commentaries sought to harmonize the controversial, thoroughly heretical text with the principles of the Catholic Church, a reading of the more recent commentaries reveals redundancies. And often enough the commentary reflects the ideology of its author. The reader is therefore asked to take some of the interpretations with the necessary distance, to return again and again to the original and to form his own opinion.
The Dartmouth Dante Project's Dante Lab Reader offers a tremendous selection of historical and current commentaries, including such important recent ones as:
4. Pronunciation
Canepàri, Luciano & Giovannelli, Barbara (2012). La buona pronuncia italiana del terzo millennio. Manueletto d’italiano neutro con sonori, esercizi e test. Quarta edizione. Roma: Aracne editrice S.r.l.
Carboni, Giancarlo & Sorianello, Patrizia (2011). Manuale professionale di dizione e pronuncia. Come educare la voce parlata. Milano: Editore Ulrico Hoepli.
Dal Piai, Giorgio (2013). Dizióne e Fonètica. Un’esperienza didattica per il teatro. Prima edizione digitale. © 1994 Milano: Ponte alle Grazie srl; © 2008 Milano: Adriano Salani Editore.
5. Metrics/Accents
Beltrami, Pietro G. (2011). La metrica italiana. Quinta Edizione. Bologna: Società editrice il Mulino.
Beltrami, Pietro G. (2015). Piccolo dizionario di metrica. Bologna: Società editrice il Mulino.
Beghelli, Marco (2011). Guida alla identificazione metrica dei versi italiani.
Bertinetto, Pier Marco (1973). Ritmo e Modelli Ritmici. Analisi computazionale delle funzioni periodiche nella versificazione dantesca. Torino: Rosenberg & Sellier.
Elwert, W. Theodor (1968). Italienische Metrik. München: Max Hueber.
Inglese, Giorgio & Zanni Raffaella (2011). Metrica e retorica del medioevo. Roma: Carocci editore S.p.A.
Menichetti, Aldo (2013). Prima lezione di metrica. Edizione digitale. Roma-Bari: Giuseppe Laterza & Figli Spa.
Menichetti, Aldo (1993). Metrica italiana. Fondamenti metrici, prosodia, rima. Padova: Editrice Antenore.
Robey, David (2000). Sound and Structure in the Divine Commedy. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press.
Sangirardi, Giuseppe & De Rosa, Francesco (2002). Breve guida alla metrica italiana. Milano: R.C.S. Libri S.p.A. (Sansoni).
6. Translations
Of the many deserving translations, I have only looked at central prose translations, as they dispense with their own rhyme structures and can at least meet the claim to be close to the original. They thus lead towards it and not away from it. It makes sense to place them next to the Italian original text in order to become more quickly familiar with Dante's language.
A. German translations
Vossler, Karl (1942/1945/1960). Die göttliche Komödie. Hölle, Fegefeuer, Paradies. © 1942 Berlin: Atlantis Verlag; © 1945: Zürich: Atlantis Verlag. © 1960 Rheda-Wiedenbrück: Bertelsmann-Lesering. Auch Leipzig: Faber & Faber (2001) sowie München: Piper (1969).
Hees, Georg (1995): Divina Commedia. Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso. Italienischer Text mit wörtlicher deutscher Übersetzung und ausführlichem Kommentar, dargeboten von Dr. Georg Hees. Dürnau: Verlag der Kooperative Dürnau.
Flasch, Kurt (2015). Dante Alighieri. Commedia. In deutscher Prosa von Kurt Flasch. Frankfurt a. Main: S. Fischer.
Köhler, Hartmut (2011/12). Dante Alighieri. La Commedia. Die Göttliche Komödie. Italienisch / Deutsch. In Prosa übersetzt und kommentiert von Hartmut Köhler. Reclam Bibliothek. Stuttgart: Philipp Reclam jun.
B. English translations
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth (1867). The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri. Translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Boston: Ticknor & Fields. (
Norton, Charles Eliot (1952 [1902]). The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri. Translated by Charles Eliot Norton. The University of Chicago. Chicago, London, Toronto, Geneva, Sydney, Tokyo, Manila: William Benton (Encyclopædia Britannica).
Sinclair, John D. (1961 [1939]). The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri. Italian text with translation and comment by John D. Sinclair. New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Singleton, Charles S. (1977). Dante Alighieri. The Divine Comedy. Translated, with a commentary, by Charles S. Singleton. Italian Text and Translation. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Durling, Robert M. & Martinez, Ronald L. (1996/2003/2011). The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri. Edited and Translated by Robert M. Durling. New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
C. French translation
Risset, Jacqueline (2010). Dante. La Divine Comédie. L’Enfer, Le Purgatoire, Le Paradis. Traduction, préface et notes par Jacqueline Risset. Paris: Éditions Flammarion.
7. Websites
Hollander, Robert, Campbell, Stephen, Marchesi, Simone: Dartmouth Dante Project (DDP).
Dante Lab: (
8. Lexicons
Bosco, Umberto (1984). Enciclopedia Dantesca (1970). Seconda Edizione Riveduta (1984). Edizione Speciale per la Collana «Orsa Maggiore» in Tiratura Limitata (1996). Roma: Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana.
Gragnolati, Manuele, Lombardi, Elena, Southerden, Francesca (2021). The Oxford Handbook of Dante. New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Lansing, Richard (2010). The Dante Encyclopedia. Edited by Richard Lansing. London & New York/Abdingon: Routledge (Taylor & Francis) /New York: Garland Publishing.
9. Language:
Manni, Paolo (2013). La Lingua di Dante. Bologna: Società editrice il Mulino.
Luca Serianni is the leading expert on Italian grammar and language. Below are three of his works - a historical treatise, a grammar in book form, and one as an e-book - all of which may be considered a reference:
Serianni, Luca (2018 [2009]). La lingua poetica italiana. Grammatica e testi. Roma: Carocci editore S.p.A.
Serianni, Luca (2006 [1989]). Grammatica Italiana. Italiano commune e lingua letteraria. Con la collaborazione di Alberto Castelvecchi. © 2006 Novara: De Agostini Scuola SpA; © 1989 Torino: UTET Libreria Srl.
Serianni, Luca, Della Valle, Valeria, Patota Giuseppe (2017). Italiano plurale. Grammatica e scrittura. Milano, Torino: Pearson (Edizioni scolastiche Bruno Mondadori).
Paden, William D. (1998). An Introduction to Old Occitan. Second printing (2001). New York: The Modern Language Association of America.
10. Astronomy/Astrology:
Cornish, Alison (2000). Reading Dante’s Stars. New Haven & London: Yale University Press.
Jacek Grzybowski (2015). Cosmological and Philosophical World of Dante Alighieri. The Divine Comedy as a Medieval Vision of the Universe. European Studies in Theology, Philosophy and History of Religions, Vol. 9 (Ed. by Bartosz Adamczewski). Frankfurt a. Main: Peter Lang Edition: Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften.
Orr, M. A [Mrs. John Evershed] (1956 [1913]). Dante and the Early Astronomers. New and Revised Edition. With an Introduction by Barbara Reynolds. London: Allan Wingate.
11. Music and Poetry
The treatises by Thrasybulos G. Georgiades on the relation between music and poetry, some of which are out of print, have remained unmatched to this day. Each of the three works listed below is relevant in its own way:
Georgiades, Thrasybulos G. (1954). Musik und Sprache. Das Werden der abendländischen Musik dargestellt an der Vertonung der Messe. Verständliche Wissenschaft. Fünfzigster Band. Berlin, Göttingen, Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.
Georgiades, Thrasybulos G. (1967). Schubert. Musik und Lyrik. 3., durchgesehen Auflage. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Georgiades, Thrasybulos G. (1985). Nennen und Erklingen. Die Zeit als Logos. Aus dem Nachlass herausgegeben von Irmgard Bengen. Mit einem Geleitwort von Hans-Georg Gadamer. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Persico, Thomas (2019). Le Parole e la Musica. Poesia ed esecuzione dalla Vita nuova alla Divina Commedia. Canterano: Aracne editrice.
12. Boethius
Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus (2008). The Consolation of Philosophy [De consolatione philosophiae]. Translated by David R. Slavitt. Cambridge, Massachusetts; London, England: Harvard University Press.
13. DVD-Rom/Internet
Shaw, Prue (2010). Dante Alighieri. Commedia. A Digital Edition. Birmingham: Scholarly Digital Editions; Firenze: SISMEL: Edizioni del Galluzzo per la Fondazione Ezio Franceschini.
14. Maria Soresina
Maria Soresina's video sequences on Dante and the fate of the Cathars have enlivened and enriched our understanding of the Divina Commedia. With commitment and a distinctive personality, the essayist convincingly presents the provocative main thesis of her research: the secret sympathy of Dante for the Cathar heresy. Overall, a highly entertaining, sympathetic, and lovingly crafted product:
15. The Music of the Divina Commedia
Bardazzi, Federico: La Musica della Divina Commedia. Ensemble San Felice. Pueri Cantores. Cristina Borgogni, Stefano Mascalchi.